#! /usr/bin/R sink(file="/dev/null") # to stop getting any announcement text ci.mean.from.summary <- function(obs.mean,obs.sd,n,conf.level=0.95,rounding=2) { # computes CI mean from given n, mean, and s.d. # default CI is 95% # check data are from p.21 of Gardner & Altman (1989) Statistics with confidence BMA:London # (c) Chris Evans 2001 but so trite it's not worth saying that! # I'm no programmer or statistician so use this entirely at your own risk. # you are free to copy and use, let me know if you improve it please! se <- obs.sd/sqrt(n) conf.level <- (1 - conf.level)/2 # since you need the t value for .975 to get 95% CI df <- n-1 q <- abs(qt(conf.level,df)) half.int <- se*q lwr <- obs.mean - half.int upr <- obs.mean + half.int lwr <- round(lwr,rounding) upr <- round(upr,rounding) tmp <- as.list(c(lwr,upr)) names(tmp) <- c("lwr","upr") return(tmp) } sink() # switch output back to stdout tag(HTML) tag(HEAD) tag(TITLE) cat("Confidence interval of mean from mean, s.d. and n") untag(TITLE) untag(HEAD) lf(2) tag(BODY, bgcolor = "lime") lf(2) tag(center) cat("

Confidence interval for mean from mean, s.d. and n

") comments("Let's start with some testing") prob <- 0 mean1 <- as.numeric(scanText(formData$mean1)) sd1 <- as.numeric(scanText(formData$sd1)) se1 <- as.numeric(scanText(formData$se1)) n1 <- as.numeric(scanText(formData$n1)) CI <- as.numeric(scanText(formData$CI)) round <- as.numeric(scanText(formData$round)) if (is.na(mean1)) { cat("

Something wrong with mean, must be a number R can recognise as such, go back and try again!

") prob <- 1 } if ((!is.na(sd1)) && (!is.na(se1))) { cat("

You've given s.d. and s.e., only need one, go back and try again, ditch the less certain one!

") prob <- 1 } else { if (!is.na(sd1)) { if ((is.na(sd1)) || (sd1 < 0)) { cat("

Something wrong with s.d., must be a positive number R can recognise as such, go back and try again!

") prob <- 1 } } else { if ((is.na(se1)) || (se1 < 0)) { cat("

Something wrong with s.e., must be a positive number R can recognise as such, go back and try again!

") prob <- 1 } } } if ((is.na(n1)) || (trunc(n1) != n1) || (n1 < 3)){ cat("

Something wrong with n, must be a positive integer > 2, go back and try again!

") prob <- 1 } if ((CI < 60) | (CI > 99.99)) { cat("

CI must be more than 60% and less than 99.99%.

") prob <- 1 } if ((round < 0) | (round > 6)) { cat("

Program only offers rounding to between zero and six decimal places. Go back and try again!

") prob <- 1 } if (prob) { cat("

Go back and try again!

") cat("CGI script written by Chris Evans using David Firth's excellent GGIwithR package. ") linkto("Contact me if something isn't working right ...", "http://www.psyctc.org/cgi-bin/mailto.pl?webmaster") ; br() } lf(2) comments("end of testing") if (!prob) { comments("Got into results section") if (is.na(sd1)) { se <- 1 sd <- 0 sd1 <- se1*sqrt(n1) } else { se <- 0 sd <- 1 } cat("") cat("") cat("") cat("") cat("") cat("") cat("") cat("") cat("") cat("") cat("") if (sd) { cat("") cat("") cat("") cat("") } else { cat("") cat("") cat("") cat("") } cat("") cat("") cat("") cat("") cat("") cat("") cat("") cat("") cat("") cat("") cat("") cat("") cat("") cat("") cat("") cat("") cat("") cat("") cat("") cat("") cat("") cat("") cat("") cat("") cat("") cat("") cat("") cat("") cat("") cat("") cat("
") cat("Your input") cat("
") now <- system('date +%Y-%m-%d,%T', intern=TRUE) host <- system("echo $REMOTE_ADDR", intern=TRUE) cat("Request from: ") cat("") cat(host, " at", now,"
") cat("
") cat("Mean: ") cat("") cat(mean1) cat("
") cat("s.d.: ") cat("") cat(sd1) cat("
") cat("s.e.: ") cat("") cat(se1) cat("
") cat("n: ") cat("") cat(n1) cat("
") cat("C.I. wanted: ") cat("") cat(CI) cat("%") cat("
") cat("Decimal places wanted: ") cat("") cat(round) cat("
") cat("Results") cat("
") ci <- CI/100 CI.wanted <- ci.mean.from.summary(mean1,sd1,n1,ci,round) lwr <- CI.wanted[1] upr <- CI.wanted[2] tmp2 <- paste(CI,"% CI is from ",lwr," to ",upr,sep="") cat(tmp2) cat("
") cat("
") cat("Explanation and advice for CORE system users and others") cat("
A ",CI,"% CI will embrace the population mean, i.e. the "true"") cat("mean in the presumed infinite population from which you took your sample of ",n1) cat(" in ",CI,"% of times you take a sample.") cat(" The larger the sample you take, the tighter the CI you'll see but they'll be "right" ") cat(CI,"% of the time, i.e. "wrong":not embrace the population mean ") wrong <- 100-CI cat(wrong,"% of the time.") cat("

In significance test terms, this means that if you are comparing the sample parameters you entered") cat(" with a reference value") tmp <- paste(" and that reference value is not within that CI, i.e. is either smaller than ",lwr) cat(tmp) tmp <- paste(" or else is larger than ",upr) cat(tmp) cat(", you probably have a "significant"\ difference between your sample and that reference sample unless the reference sample is smaller than ") cat(n1) cat(". (If you know the sample size and s.d. for any reference mean, you can get the true CI for the") cat(" difference between the mean you have here and that reference mean.") linkto("meanconf2.html","http://www.psyctc.org/stats/R/meanconf2.html") cat(").

Statistical significance is often overvalued.") cat(" All that statistical significance is telling you is that a difference ") cat("as large or larger than that was likely to happen less than one time in twenty ") cat("if you were taking samples of size ") cat(n1) cat(" from an infinitely large population in which the mean is exactly the mean you have here: ") cat(mean1) cat(" The advantage of the CI is that it tells you the precision you'd expect from random") cat(" of samples of size ") cat(n1) cat(". What is generally really important in the context of the CI you have here") cat(" is how big the difference between the reference value and your observed value actually is.") cat(" Is that difference clinically or managerially interesting to you or your service?

") cat("

If you are using this to compare CORE system parameters you have") cat(" with those from CORE benchmarks or descriptors, always bear in mind differences between") cat(" your or your service's setting and methods that might have contributed to any difference") cat(" you see between your mean and that in the reference dataset; same if you don't see") cat(" a difference!") cat("

") cat("Technicalities") cat("
") cat("Confidence interval was calculated using Wilson's method, generally considered the best method by statisticians.") cat(" Calculation done in R using the function binconf() written by Frank E. Harrell Jr. and contained in his") cat(" almost vital Hmisc package for R which can be obtained from CRAN.") lf(2) cat("CGI script written by Chris Evans using David Firth's excellent GGIwithR package. ") linkto("Contact me if something isn't working right ...", "http://www.psyctc.org/cgi-bin/mailto.pl?webmaster") ; br() lf() cat("

") cat("Output produced at ", date()) cat("

") lf() cat("
") } untag(BODY) untag(HTML) lf() sink(paste("/home/xychris0/R/CGIwithR-log/meanconf1.R.",as.character(now),sep="")) cat("program = meanconf1.R ; host = ",host, "; ", now, "; mean = ",mean1,"; sd = ",sd1,"; n = ",n1,"; CI = ",CI,"; round = ",round,"\n") sink()